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ali hakimi

Ali Hakimi is a California State Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) and an enthusiastic herbalist. His path to practicing Traditional Medicine starts early given his family lineage and remains a strong driving force for his dedication to this form of medicine. 

His practice of Chinese Medicine is guided by the classical approach and he is primarily interested in determining the application of classical Chinese Medicine- herbal formulas, acupuncture and moxibustion, diet, lifestyle, and movement- in the modern context. 

Ali finds fulfillment in treating a diverse array of health disharmonies and hopes to continue to practice as such. However, he is dually committed to addressing the health concerns of his community/s. Ali’s senior thesis involved the study of classical herbal formulas and their applicability to the physical and mental health disharmonies of forced migrants from Afghanistan. He hopes to continue this form of study in both a formal and informal manner. 

He can be found in the woods or a botanical garden walking and pondering when he isn’t looking at a book. Do grab his attention and engage him in a conversation about the world if you cross his path.